Blame! Wiki

These are the human tribes and settlements in order of appearance in the manga.


A village of peaceful people who move from place to place in search of a safe haven. They posses high-tech armor and guns resembling sub-machine guns.

Naruto Gang[]

3 person party, wearing light padded armor and a variety of sub-machine guns and rifles. Their appearance is obviously paying homage to the main characters of the Naruto series.

Ninja Squad[]

A group of humans that wear similar armor to the Naruto Gang and may be connected to them. They were all massacred Exterminators.

Dry Men[]

It is unknown if the Dry Man are human, but they will be mentioned in case.

Cluster Outpost[]

For the lack of a better name this is a settlement of high statured humans who trade with the Bio Electric Corporation. They offer Killy a lift to the Cluster.

The Cluster(Laborers)[]

A human city. Most of it's inhabitants work at heavy labor in the Bio Electric Corporation.

Storage Village[]

A village that was protected by an Authority Agent and massacred by Safeguards.


A big settlement of humans that descended from the Planters. They posses high-tech armor and harpoon-like rifles.


The people that inhabited the Toha Heavy Industries. They left the structure and settled outside of it.

Clone Cave[]

A machine that keeps on creating clones of the same black haired woman.

Authority Village[]

The village in NSE: Net Sphere Engineer, they wear similar armor to the Electrofishers and use similar weapons, but they also ride Builder like horse machines. They have an elder member who is connected to the Netsphere and proclaims the orders of the Authority.

Future Village[]

A village that is mentioned in Blame!². They hunt Silicon Life.
